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- Official UA Ressource -
Notice and AgendaMeeting of the Board of Directors ofLTTS Charter SchoolInc dba Universal AcademyJanuary 23, 2025 - 6:00PMNotice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of LTTS CharterSchool Inc. dba Universal Academy will be held on January 23, 2025.The Board will convene the meeting in Open Session at 6:00PM. The Board will meet at1001 E. Sandy Lake Road Coppell, TX 75019.It is the intent of the Board to have a quorum physically present at the above address.Board members not physically present may participate by live two-way video and audio feed inaccordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. If a quorum of the Board cannot be physicallypresent at the above address, it is the intent to have the presiding officer physically present atthe above address.Items will not necessarily be discussed or considered in the order they are printed on theagenda below. If, during the course, of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda shouldbe held in an executive or closed session, the Board will convene in such executive or closedsession as permitted by and in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, TexasGovernment Code Chapter 551.At each regular meeting, the Board will set aside no less than 5 minutes and no morethan 20 minutes to afford the general public, an opportunity to speak to the Board on mattersnot listed on the Board’s Agenda. Speakers will be recognized on a first come-first served basis asindicated on the sign in sheet. A speaker will be given up to 3 minutes to address the Board.The Board reserves the right to move, limit, postpone or cancel comments on non-agenda items.For public comments on items on the posted meeting notice and agenda, there is no capon the total time for comments or the number of speakers. Speakers on the agenda will be givenup to 3 minutes to address the Board.If there are no public communications or comments, the Board will proceed to otherbusiness. If, however, the total number of agenda and non-agenda speakers seeking to addressthe Board at a meeting exceeds 30, the per-speaker time limit may be reduced.When necessary for effective meeting management or to accommodate large numbers ofindividuals wishing to address the Board, the presiding officer may make adjustments to publiccomment procedures, including adjusting when public comment will occur during the meeting,reordering agenda items, postponing or deferring public comment on non-agenda items,continuing agenda items to a later meeting, providing expanded opportunity for publiccomment, or adjusting the time allotted to each speaker. However, no individual speaking on anagenda item shall be given less than one minute to make comments.A. Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call to OrderB. Public CommentsC. Receive and approve Minutes of previous meeting(s).D. Review, discuss and possible action to....1. Discussion and approval of FY 25 Budget Amendment2. Discussion and Review and approval of FY 24 Annual Financial Audit Report3. Discussion of TEA Federal Report Card4. Discussion and approval of 25-26 School Calendar5. Discussion and approval of Purchase of van6. Discussion and approval of Line of credit for campus repairs7. Discussion and approval of RFP for Irving and Coppell roof replacement8. Discussion and approval of Equine Extended PE programE. Informational Briefings:Update on COVID-19Bond UpdatesCampus 101 & 102 Updates- EnrollmentTechnology UpdateFinancial UpdateHuman Resources UpdateF. Closed Session: The Board may adjourn into Closed Session on any item listed above orbelow as appropriate to that item pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act.1. Pursuantto Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, Consultation with LegalCounsel regarding Personnel, and student issues.2. Discussion of Safety and securityG. Reconvene into Open Session and Take-Action, if any, on Items Discussed in Closed Session.1.Possible Action Regarding Items Discussed in Closed Meeting, including, but not limited to,Personnel and student issues.H. Consent ItemsI. AdjournIn accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act (Subchapters D and E of Ch. 551, Tex. Gov’tCode), the Board may enter closed meeting to deliberate any subject authorized by SubchapterD that is listed on the agenda for this meeting.Any final action, decision, or vote on a subject deliberated in closed meeting will be taken in anopen meeting held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.This notice was posted by 6:00PM on January 20, 2025.
2616 N Mac Arthur Blvd.
Irving, TX 75062, USA