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Our CHILD FIND efforts include advertising the availability of services through media, public notices, staff training, community health fairs and letters to private schools, physicians, nursing homes, group homes, and hospitals.

We have special services available for eligible infants, children and young adults identified with disabilities. Federal and state laws require that school districts maintain a CHILD FIND system for identifying, locating, and evaluating individuals with suspected disabilities (birth through age 21) within its jurisdiction who are in need of special education and related services. Once a referral is made, the campus follows the Student Support Team (SST) procedures.  A full individual evaluation (FIE) is conducted to determine the child’s eligibility and educational need for services.

To Complete the Universal Academy CHILD FIND Referral Form: Click Here


CHILD FIND is a process designed to help identify, locate, and evaluate individuals from birth through 21 years of age with suspected disabilities who may need special education services.

Who Can Begin the CHILD FIND Process?

A parent, doctor, child care provider, friend, relative, or private school administrator can contact the school counselor or educational diagnostician at the neighborhood school or contact your child's Special Education Department.

Universal Academy-Irving, 972-255-1800

Universal Academy-Coppell, 972-393-5834

Universal Academy-Bartonville, 972-393-5068

Why should a child with a suspected disability be referred?

Early identification and intervention can prevent frustration and failure.  Special attention to teaching and learning strategies may help individuals overcome barriers to learning.

What happens after the child is referred?

  • The parent(s) or legal guardian will be contacted by Universal Academy school officials.
  • A committee comprised of parents and school personnel with determine if an assessment is needed and develop an assessment plan to evaluate any concerns.
  • An evaluation will be conducted at no charge to the family.
  • The parent/guardian and evaluation personnel will have a scheduled meeting to discuss assessment results, determine eligibility, and service options, if applicable.
  • Who may qualify for special education services?

    Individuals qualify for special education services when they have one or more of the following disabilities, according to state and federal guidelines:

    • Auditory (hearing) Impairment (including deafness)
    • Autism
    • Deaf-blindness
    • Emotional Disturbance
    • Mental Retardation
    • Multiple Disabilities
    • Orthopedic Impairment
    • Other Health Impairment
    • Specific Learning Disability
    • Speech or Language Impairment
    • Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Visual Impairment (including blindness)

    What services are available?

    An ARD (Admission, Review, Dismissal) Committee comprised of parent/guardian, evaluation personnel, age appropriate teacher, Special Education representative, and Universal Academy representatives will review assessment information, discuss eligibility, identify area(s) of need for specialized instruction, and develop a plan to meet the needs of the individual.

    How much do assessments and services cost?

    The services are provided at no cost.

    How do I make a referral or get more information?

    You may contact the Special Education Department at your child's campus.

    Universal Academy-Irving, 972-255-1800

    Universal Academy-Coppell, 972-393-5834

    Universal Academy-Bartonville, 972-393-5068